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Visual mnemonics for the CGRP-opposing migraine medications

Writer's picture: Jason Cafer MDJason Cafer MD

Here are my visual mnemonics for medications that block the action of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)—“Cerebrum Gets Really Painful” or "Cranium GRiP". CGRP has nothing to do with calcitonin functionally. CGRP is released from trigeminal ganglia cells and leads to inflammation and vasodilation. CGRP has similarities with substance P (P for pain).

2018 marked the arrival of monoclonal antibodies against CGRP (or CGRP receptors) for migraine prevention. Following were several CGRP receptor antagonists, the "-gepants", for acute treatment of migraine. CGRP receptor antagonists appear to be less effective than triptans, but they can be used in patients with vascular disease. Zavegepant (ZAVZPRET) was approved this month.

Here are 8 mascots for recollection of trade-generic name pairs. A medication mascot can serve as an anchor for subsequent facts you learn about the drug. We have 3 zooms, 1 noob, and 4 pants. Apologies to eptinezumab.

Fremanezumab (AJOVY)

Pronunciation: FREE ma nez ue mab / a JOE vee

Mechanism: monoclonal antibody against CGRP

Delivery: subcutaneous

Mnemonic phrase: “Freeman zooms (on an) Anchovy”

Fremanezumab (AJOVY) visual mnemonic from psychopharmacology book, How is pronounced
Fremanezumab (AJOVY) medication mascot

Galcanezumab (EMGALITY)

Pronunciation: gal ka NEZ ue mab / em GAL i tee

Mechanism: monoclonal antibody against CGRP

Delivery: subcutaneous

Mnemonic phrase: “Gal can zoom (for) Equality”

Galcanezumab (EMGALITY) visual mnemonic from psychopharmacology book
Galcanezumab (EMGALITY) medication mascot

Eptinezumab (VYEPTI)

Pronunciation: EP ti NEZ ue mab / vye EP tee

Mechanism: monoclonal antibody against CGRP

Delivery: IV ("I.V.-Yepti")

Mnemonic phrase: “Epstein’s Yep T’s”

Eptinezumab (VYEPTI) mnemonic from psychopharmacology book
I'm open to better suggestions

Erenumab (AIMOVIG)

Pronunciation: e REN ue mab / AIM oh vig

Mechanism: monoclonal antibody against CGRP receptors

Delivery: subcutaneous

Mnemonic phrase: “Aim (at) moving Errant noob”

Erenumab (AIMOVIG) visual mneomnic, how is aimovig pronounced?
Erenumab (AIMOVIG) medication mascot

Ubrogepant (UBRELVY)

Pronunciation: ue BROE je pant / ue BREL vee

Mechanism: CGRP receptor antagonist ("gepant")

Delivery: oral

Mnemonic phrase: “Yer bro’s Uber pants”

Ubrogepant (UBRELVY) visual mnemonic from psychopharmacology book
Ubrogepant (UBRELVY) medication mascot

Rimegepant (NURTEC ODT)

Pronunciation: ri ME je pant / NUR tek

Mechanism: CGRP receptor antagonist ("gepant")

Delivery: oral

Mnemonic phrase: “Rhymin’ G pants are Nerd tech?”

Rimegepant (NURTEC ODT) visual mnemonic from psychopharmacology book
Rimegepant (NURTEC ODT) medication mascot

Atogepant (Qulipta)

Pronunciation: a TOE je pant / kew LIP tah

Mechanism: CGRP receptor antagonist ("gepant")

Delivery: oral

Mnemonic phrase: “Cute lips & a toe(ga) pant”

Atogepant (Qulipta) visual mnemonic, neurology, how is atogegant pronounced?
Atogepant (Qulipta) medication mascot

Zavegepant (ZAVZPRET)

Pronunciation: zav eg je pant / zav spret

Mechanism: CGRP receptor antagonist ("gepant")

Delivery: Intranasal

Mnemonic phrase: “Savage print pants”

Zavegepant (ZAVZPRET) visual mnemonic, neurology, how is zavegepant pronounced?
Zavegepant (ZAVZPRET) medication mascot

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